And that brings me to the point of writing this blog. how many times have i forgotten to live the present which is beautiful and enjoyable because i dwell in my past or i m too busy worrying about the future. i think of the present now, i find no physical pain. there is nice music playing in the radio, the mercury is just perfect. then why is it that i am giving up all this for something thats gonna happen in future. chasing sleep is a perfectly sensible thing to do and i will be crazy to keep awake all night. but, what is driving my chase for sleep. its being driven by fear of a bad morning. I would be naive to suggest not to plan for the future at all, that would put me in the category of being careless. but there is such a fine line between planning for future and worrying about it. i must admit, more often than not, its the latter one. i can help in finding that fine line. while planning is based on reason and logic, a worry rides on the back of hope and anxiety. fear and anticipation are its companion.
if only i can learn to live in the present. i can break this cycle of fear and anxiety,hope and anticipation. i can then live in the present, live the moment and make the most out of it.
its a simple lesson. but the fun lies not in finding complex rules, rather in living with the simple rules that you lay down for yourself.
do you listen or do you wait to speak.
when in a conversation next time, try and figure it out. hey and don't worry about it now... as for now, just live the moment. hope this moment brought you joy of reading a simple piece of thought :)