Saturday, June 30, 2007


newton ruined my chances way back when he discovered gravity, Edison did the same with the bulbs. these oldies haven't left much for me to do. if only i had dated back some 500 years ago. but then, these days every second day there is a new gadget in the market - some mp3, some ipod, some apple or black berry (or mango or cheeku for that matter) always surprises me and off course leaves me disappointed with another missed opportunity to serve the mankind.

however, i am always enthusiastic about what other lesser mortals have come up with and seek to know what is what.

so i was travelling in a hired innova the other day. it was again the latest model sx4, tx 4 wx6 (why do all these vehs come with x ratings) or i don't know what. as we started on, the dashboard seemed to be a running light and sound show. naturally i got curious and flooded the driver with whole lot of 'whats' and 'whys'. the driver seemed to be quite knowledgeable and with great enthusiasm he explained to me all.there was some display showing you fuel, some showing you oil, the odometer, speedometer, one to tell you that you have travelled this much, then the compass. . then there were lights of all kinds left indicator, right indicator, fog light, pass, don't pass, brake, the light to tell you the rear door is open or the boot is open.

but then i was stuck up at one blinker, couldn't guess what it was blinking for.

" ooh it's nothing , it only shows that i have not put on my seat belt". he didn't fail to add " the cops wont know , there is no blinker outside".

this left me quite confused as to whether i should appreciate his knowledge or the lack of it.

passing thought :
when an apple falls from the tree, the genius sees the gravitational force.
and the wise man sees a tasty fruit to eat.


pallavi said...

nice post as usual...n i m very much satisfied being a wise person n havin a tasty fruit to eat than being a genius person n havin my brain eaten up by those silly eqs..hehe...n as the famous saying goes "copying from many is reasearch" so u can always do some research (if not inventions..hehe)!!!!!

Neeraj said...

ignorance is bliss...we travel and explore the whole world to find that there is nowhere to go, but again this travel is important, without which we will always be in dilemma that probably we have missed someplace. And that is why we seek knowledge.

Shruti said...

Hi dear,
Love the last line...
Great post.
take care

dee said...

hey..came here by referal of a common friend (pallavi).. nd true nice read..

nice thot..evn thou u call it a "passable" ome

Rajneesh said...

Nice work PK...
like the earstwhile saying about Nai's and Dhobi's blabbering away- the modern contemporary's of them are the taxi (and autorikshaw) drivers'... who often tell things with so much conviction that sometimes we feel awed by their knowledge... but not untill we come out of that foxed thinking and get bk to our own self..